With the Mormons being put to rest, Featherston's country fighting a guerrilla war against its negros. The U.S.A., coming back after its victory at Pittsburgh, takes the fight to the Confederacy. But, with every inch deeper into its southern neighbor paid with more blood -what dark horror indeed rests in the C.S.A. concentration camps?
From 1942, out in the grand vast open prairie of west Texas, a struggle began. A camp found out in the middle-of-nowhere, called Camp Determination -a newer one, compared to the other installations built under Featherston's administration back in the 30s. Under the command of Standard Leader (equivalent to a General), Jefferson Pinkard. Engages -or more like defends- against the United States' Eleventh Army under General Abner Dowling. As the latter pushes hard into Northwest Texas. The Confederacy is forced not only to send an army out there (not as big as the one under Dowling). But, soon, fanatical elite units of Freedom Party Guards. Giving the Eleventh Army a devil of a time to push on with whatever supplies the war in the east can be trinkled out to them. For Featherston's rumors of the camps systematically killing their negros, it's a different story. A Yankee victory out there and a capture of Determination will, undoubtedly, undermine in exact colors what the Confederate war effort was doing behind the curtain. Making the front out in west Texas as essential or much more than the front further west.
1943, reeling on their heels from a broken and bloody nose. The Confederate armies begin to lose their footing in Ohio and parts of Pennsylvania after the U.S. victory following Pittsburgh. General Irving Morrell, wishing to return the favor, intends to slice through the entire CSA instead. Starting with giving the Confederacy a kick in the teeth. With brand new barrels. Many captured CS automatic rifles, submachine guns, more artillery, and many more planes and green-gray infantrymen than you can shake a stick at.
Echoing the lighting attacks Featherston's men had performed at the beginning of the war. The USA breaches through CSA lines and cracks out into Kentucky. Punching deep enough to begin slipping over around Tennessee. With butternut and green-gray barrels and men fighting out in the plains inch by bloody inch. Until Nashville, the state's capital, captured during the Great War, is again under the Stars and Stripes. With the last holdouts being on Chattanooga.
In an attempt to stop the Yankee advance -new weapons, such as portable antibarrel rocket launchers, salvo rockets, and, soon, single-turret "Barrelbusters" are thrown at the US advance. While more elite camouflage brown and dirt pattern Freedom Party Guards make the USA pay a high price for entering the Southern states. Determinedly, the U.S. and C.S. government (along with other world powers) are pouring resources and time, and effort to create a "Uranium" bomb that will end the war on their terms. But for both countries, it is unclear when. And, after General Patton's failed attack from the east out of the mountains to cutoff Morrell's forces towards Chattanooga. The city falls after a severe and bloody battle involving paratroopers and soldiers disguised as Confederates -as does most of the state. Capturing two strategic peaks, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, to pour into Georgia -the furthest inside the south since perhaps the Second Mexican War.
After Germany calls out that she's pushing the Western Allies out of her lands and Holland. Along with Russia struggling to maintain control of Ukraine by the Eastern Central Powers. The tides began to thrash in favor of them. Featherston, seeing his country on the verge of possibly being split in half towards Atlanta when the U.S. Army enters Georgia. And one of his most valuable camps out west captured, U.S. President Charles W. La Follette issues a form of unconditional surrender to him. Featherston happily and defiantly responds by firing two unmanned rockets towards Philadelphia. Overall, causing minimal damage to the de facto capital but creates mass panic. As the war extends throughout 1943.