The Great War: American Front (1998)

Decades after the second humiliating defeat inflicted on the USA by her southern neighbor, the CSA, tensions in Europe boil and soon erupt into open conflict. Pitting the two former united states to enter the fray. With the U.S., German Empire, and the Central Powers on one side. And the C.S, Britain and France and the Entente on the other. Who will be left on this new theater of the first World War?

Setting the Scene

In the year of 1914, after Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the dual monarchy of Austro-Hungary, is killed by a bomb during a trip to Sarajevo by Serbian nationalists. European alliances are provoked. With Austria declaring war on Serbia, Russia mobilizing and Germany declaring war on her and France. Soon dragging the United Kingdom into the conflict when they try invading Belgium to get to Paris.

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

New Players of the Great War

Woodrow Wilson, President of the CSA, condemn the duel-empire of extorting her authority on a small nation. With intensive enthusiasm from the Confederate people, he declares war on Austria and Germany of Central Powers. Giving Teddy Roosevelt, President of the USA, and his countrymen, the chance they've been preparing for decades. Soon declaring war on its southern neighbor and the rest of Entente.

Map of World (1914-1917)

The American Front

With the war ranging on nearly every continent. The U.S. is able to lick the British for the islands held in the Pacific. Known commonly as the Sandwich Islands. As Japan and the United Kingdom tries its damndest to get them back. Added fighting in Latin America between U.S.-backed Chile and British-Confederate Argentina. With the Mormons rising up once again in Utah and heavy fighting up in the Northern border against the Canadians. As the Confederates launch and fail to pull off a successful invasion of Philadelphia into the Yankee homeland (but do end up occupying D.C.).

As the lines are drawn. Trench warfare sets in from Europe's battlefields and, of course, across the Mason-Dixon line. It seems the Confederacy is off to a better footing: militarily wise. That is until they fail to notice what their Negros are doing under their noses. And, with the influences from books by Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln, and years of resentment and mistreatment by their white counterparts, sparks the Red Rebellion of 1915.

Another battle inside Kentucky