With the trenches locking almost all combatants in place from 1915-1916. New weapons, tactics, and savagery increases. Ravaging not only the battlefields of Europe but the North American continent in the air, land, and sea. And with the United Stated locked against the Canadians, Mormons, and other Entente forces all around them. And the Confederates against the Red Uprisings in their own backyard. One side, eventually, will break.
Nearly a year since the assassination of the Austrian Archduke. Both the C.S.A. and U.S.A. are throwing everything -including the kitchen sink- at each other. With artillery raining down hundreds to thousands of ordnance in areas held and attacked around the line. With the war's deadliest front, second behind the European Western Front, being the Roanoke Front near Virginia. And, to get a small edge over the Confederates, the United States releases poison gas to gain a small strategic advantage. A mistake for many years to come. Creating more problems with the men in butternut and green-gray to deal with on the ground.
Mistakes in the Confederacy start to show. As their blacks, disgruntled and bittered from being treated as unequals and slaves -the latter being all but in name. Begin the Red Negro Uprisings across the southern country. In places like South Carolina, when one of the most notable ones, the Congaree Socialist Republic, was shortly formed after destroying the Marshlands Plantation. Creating a thorn in the CSA's back for years to come as resources are poured in that the country couldn't spare.
Though the Confederate States try to put a lid on these revolts with an iron boot, their other allies around the world aren't in better spots. As the Canucks are being steadily pushed out of Quebec and into the western of parts of Winnipeg. Utah being knocked flat. Along with Japan, Britain, and the Yankees playing tug of war in the Pacific. As France suffers a terrible loss at Verdun, ending in a German victory. And Russia being suckered punch by the Central Powers out east.
Soon, armored vehicles, called barrels, start appearing over the north across no man's land, chewing up the C.S. Army's defenses. Initially, the steel beasts make several gains throwing the Confederates on the backend to tread over. Sadly, most of the United States' barrels break down or are knocked out by artillery. Having most of the miles that were advanced upon, quickly thrown back and regain by the Confederacy.
In response, the CSA starts bringing in British-inspired barrels of their own, under the name "tank". And soon, are able to successfully put down many of the Marxist Uprisings -leaving less material up to the front and, thus, more United States troops pushing down south of the border. Making the possibility of recruiting their black population to sustain the front-line -despite many Negros being involved with the red revolts. However, as this order starts to kick in and numbers begin to dwindle, General Custer and a young, bright barrel-commander named Irving Morrell. Who knows a thing or two about how to best use their behemoths. Plan on using that knowledge to their hand. And the Confederates? Hoping for a breakthrough pretty damn quick!