With a Central Power victory -and thus a United States one- the victors install harsh treaties on their beaten-down enemies with the CSA being no exception. Having much of her land taken away and forced to pay reparations, while having inflation never before seen. Radical elements begin to take shape in Confederate politics. Bringing forth something terrible in the near future.
During every Remembrance Day, a day characterized as dark and somber after the USA's defeat after the Second Mexican War by the CSA and her allies. Where the Stars and Stripes flew upsidedown. After decades of preparation, rationing, building, and learning from her German brothers: the massive parades across the United States celebrate with jubilee. After their victory in the Great War and stuffing themselves with the lands conquered in Canada, several British islands, and chunks of the Confederacy.
With the flag now breezing through the sky. In renewed confidence and advancement from the losses inflicted during those two wars between the USA and the CSA. Along with, as Theodore Roosevelt put, "Having The U.S. a place under the sun." Many inside the U.S. start to refer to the country as the "American Empire." Despite the unrest of available jobs and liberties in this new United States.
Yet, in the Confederate States, everything was destroyed and possibly broken beyond repair. Richmond was a beaten city with hundreds, if not thousands, of former butternut Confederate soldiers taking refuge on the streets, by statues, or anywhere that provided some shelter or space. Add on an already battered economy where inflation sky-rocketed the price of the C.S. bill (dollar in the U.S.) in the hundreds, and necessary expenses like bread cost a whole paycheck. And with work being hard to find and being far in-between. New radical parties take hold. Promising renewed strength and stability. One of these brand-new parties, the Freedom Party, led by an ex-artillery sergeant by the name of Jake Featherston, voicing their racial rhetoric of being "stabbed in the back" by their blacks. Picking up steam in a hurry!
During the 1920s, the Freedom Party, consisting of many former C.S. Army veterans dress in white shirts and butternut trousers, rein in an efficient tactic of quelling the opposition. Fighting and breaking up other party rallies, the Whigs and Radical Liberals mostly, to align the Confederate citizens to their side through mostly intimidation. Nearly winning Featherston a chance at the Presidency in 1921. But, after Whig president Wade Hampton V is assassinated by a Freedom Party stalwart, Grady Calkins. And, despite pleads of the party not actively being involved with the incident, start to catch the heat and lose popularity. Especially more so when vice president Burton Mitchel asks the U.S. Socialist President Upton Sinclair to dissolve the reparations place on the C.S.A. to better its shambled economy; the Northern President agrees. Sending the party back a notch...for now.
In the United States, costs of new weapon improvements, like barrels and aircraft carriers, reduce immensely now that victory was achieved. Despite the obvious trouble boiling down south of the border. Only temporarily do events calm down a bit with the Confederate economy finally recovering and support for the Freedom Party diminished. As other extremist groups worldwide, such as the Silver Shirts in Britain lead by Mosley and Winston Churchill, and the Action Francaise in France. Then the world is plunged into utter chaos in 1929. As debts owed to Austria-Hungary are unpaid by Russia. Crashing the Stock Market. Giving these groups, Featherston and his Freedom Party primarily, the fuel to rise and thrive.